Saturday, 2 April 2011

South East Labour Election Campaign

A group of local young people affected by Tory-led Government cuts joined Labour Shadow Health Secretary John Healey in Brighton on Thursday 31st March for the launch of Labour’s South East election campaign.

From the 19 year-old whose Connexion’s youth worker has been made redundant, to the 18 year-old with three A-levels unable to find work, to the 23-year old new father facing benefit cuts and unemployment, to students who can’t afford university due to soaring tuition fees, the message was spelt out clearly on placards made up by the group: “Vexed Generation”, “Un-sure Start”, “Another Unemployed Woman”.

Shadow Health Secretary John Healey: “The Tory-led Government is kicking away the ladder for young people across the South East. 3,950 people across the region were kept in work by Labour’s Future Jobs Fund, which the Tory-led Government has now scrapped.”

1 comment:

  1. The Tories are showing absolute disregard for young people. What are our prospects now? There are no jobs, no immediate hope of more jobs coming, and if we go to uni to try and improve our skills we are slapped with a massive bill. As Ed says, its hurting but its not working.
