Thursday 22 December 2011

Conservative parking claims

-by Cllr. Iris Johnston, Cabinet member for Community Services
Contrary to recent Tory claims the proposed consultation on parking was not a 'Conservative' inspired paper but part of the annual requirement to review Parking ( Parking Policy Transport Plan 2005 to 2011 Chapter 13).
The paper prepared by Mark Richardson and dated 13th December was for the Senior Officer Management Team led by Dr McGonigal. The next stage would be to inform the Leader and Cabinet of any changes and ask for their input. The report would come to Cabinet where all members have an opportunity to comment and ward councillors especially would have individual meetings in all our towns. The Public will be very much involved once Cabinet endorse the final document. This is likely to be in March and finalised in June.
When Labour last controlled Thanet Council (from 1995 to 2003) this was common practice and a series of public meetings on Parking were held around the Island so that everyone had an opportunity to be fully involved. I would want to reintroduce this.
I have absolutely NO evidence that Councillor Wells or any other member of the Conservative Party WROTE the report and one would not have expected them to do so. The dates and timing are important. Mr Richardson's discussion document  for Senior Management team is dated 13th December, Councilor Wells lost his Cabinet  position on the 9th. when I replaced him.
Although I find the document to be thorough, it was produced before the Mary Portus report and should take her points on Town Centres into consideration. 
 I also  now await the Senior Officer Team's considered  response before I ask for the paper to be taken to Cabinet.  
Iris Johnston 01843 299207


1. For the record I understand Mr Richardson shared his ideas with his then Cabinet member Councillor Wells and Cllr Bruce on the 23rd November. They made up a 'two man' working party and it would appear this is the only date the three met to discuss the  proposed document.

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